Facial Rolling 101


Hi I’m Jess with BeautyRoams and welcome back to my blog, where I share professional skincare, beauty, and self-care tips from the road….that you can do at home.

You’ve probably seen beauty influencers rolling their face all over social media, and your wondering what does that actually do?……..besides look intriguing!

In this post, I’m going to explain what facial rolling is, explain the anti-aging benefits, reveal the “BEST” types of rollers, and who should or shouldn’t be rolling. At the end I’ll list some tips on rolling and leave a link to my youtube video that walks you through a full facial rolling routine that you can follow along in real time, at home.

What is Facial Rolling?

Facial rolling is a holistic approach to anti-aging. It uses a smooth stone, crystal, or metal roller to gently roll over bare skin, or facial serums and lotions to promote a brighter more youthful glow. This can be done daily, AM or PM, and is a great addition to anyone’s skincare routine.

Facial rolling is an extremely gentle massage that can be done daily

So How Does Facial Rolling Really Work…..Especially When it Comes to Anti-Aging????

When is come to anti-aging, facial rolling helps to reduce puffiness in neck and face, brighten the complexion and promote an all-over glow, by stimulating the lymphatic system.

The lymphatic system is part of the body’s circulatory system that provides oxygen and nutrients to vital organs throughout the body and also removes toxins and waste. It is made-up of white blood cells and is a part of the immune system. Lymph protects the body from invaders, maintains body fluid levels, and removes cellular waste. But, unlike the cardiovascular system, it doesn’t have it’s own pumping motor, like the heart. Lymph is moved and stimulated through daily movement, regular exercise, and light massage, like a facial roller.

Over time, lymph can get stagnant and “stuck” resulting in puffiness and dull skin.  Facial Rolling is a great way to gently stimulate the lymph and improve circulation to the areas of the face, neck, and décolleté. When stimulating and moving the lymph you are reducing puffiness, removing waste, and improving the health of the skin…resulting in a youthful glow.

Another benefit of rolling is that you are dedicating time to a daily skincare and self-care ritual

What are the Best Types of Rollers?

I’m often asked what the best type of roller is, and my answer is, whichever one you will use regularly. There are many different kinds and shapes available. Some are made from semi-precious stone like jade, rose quartz, and amethyst or metal like stainless steel.  Some are made smooth or with bumps and grooves. No matter which one you choose to use, they all will stimulate lymphatic drainage, reduce puffiness, and promote a youthful glow….as long as you use it regularly :)


How do You Care for Your Facial Roller?

It’s important to wash your roller after every use. If you don’t, bacteria can grow and the oils can build up and become rancid over time. Using a dirty roller can spread bacteria and possibly result in breakouts and irritation. Wash your roller with your facial cleanser or a gentle antibacterial soap and leave out to dry. This will help to remove oils, lotions, and bacteria and keep it clean for future use.

Rollers that are made of stone, are fragile and can shatter if dropped. Be sure to wash and handle with care

Skin Types and Skin Conditions the Benefit From Facial Rolling

In general, facial rolling is beneficial for both men and women and for all ages. It is great for preventative aging and also to help bring a luminous glow back into the skin. But there are few contraindications conditions where rolling should be avoided. These include sunburned skin, active rosacea, rashes, and open or wounded skin.  In these instances the skin is extremely sensitive and it’s best to avoid any extra stimulation in my opinion. Wait until these conditions clear up and then resume with your daily facial rolling routine.

For those suffering acne, rolling can help improve circulation and remove stagnant lymph and help heal breakouts faster and reduce new ones from forming. Just remember to focus on the neck for cystic acne.

How to Facial Roll

Never roll over makeup, always on clean skin. I recommend applying your facial oil and moisturizer first rather then applying directly to your roller and then applying to your skin. This will help ensure an even application.

1.     Always start and end at the neck. This will open up the “lymphatic drainage highway” and give the stagnant fluid a place to drain from. Start by rolling downward from the lower earlobe down the side of the neck to the collar bone.

2.     Divide the face in half and work from the middle out. Gently role towards the hairline. I recommend lifting the roller back to starting position, vs rolling back and forth. This will help to stimulate lymphatic drainage and slim the face.

3.     Work from the chin, then the cheeks, then the eyes, then the forehead, working your way from top to bottom.

4.     Finish rolling from the temple, down the hairline, and toward the collar bone

5.     Repeat each step 3-5x’s, remember to breath and drink lots of water

And lastly, here is a full facial roller tutorial you can follow along in real time!

Let me know your thoughts on this blog and what kind of facial roller you like to use! I’m always up to learning about new things!


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